Monday, 6 October 2014

PDF⋙ Culinaria China: A Celebration of Food and Tradition by Katrin Schlotter, Elke Spielmanns-Rome

Culinaria China: A Celebration of Food and Tradition by Katrin Schlotter, Elke Spielmanns-Rome

Culinaria China: A Celebration of Food and Tradition

Culinaria China: A Celebration of Food and Tradition by Katrin Schlotter, Elke Spielmanns-Rome PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Explore the specialties of the metropolises and the regional cuisine: from the South of China, the melting pot of cuisine, to the rich coast provinces in the North, to the palace cuisine of Beijing all the way to the fiery-hot Szechuan dishes and adventurous dishes from the steppe. This thoroughly researched volume lifts the secrets of the Middle Kingdom: What hides behind dishes like „blister soup“, „beggar’s chicken“ or even „ants climbing a tree“? What does a big family in Beijing eat on the weekend and which viands are served to a pilgrim after his visit to a cloister? The authors of this book are sinologists and well versed in China. They offer many exciting details about the history, customs and tradition as well as the modern life in this country, which changes daily and remains yet closely attached to its past. Authentic Chinese recipes, which were deliberately collected in many provinces for this book, help everybody to conjure hitherto unknown tasty dishes onto the table. Aside from the historical dishes of the imperial cuisine, the most modern creations of the world famous five stars chefs are presented.

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