Furry Logic: Parenthood by Jane Seabrook
Furry Logic: Parenthood by Jane Seabrook PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
From the author-illustrator of the best-selling FURRY LOGIC comes a book of smile-provoking, truth-telling adages just for parents. Accompanied by touching water-color paintings of the most expressive animals you’ve ever seen, FURRY LOGIC PARENTHOOD will speak to the hearts, souls, and funny bones of anyone who’s experienced the joys of being a mom or dad. Seabrook’s paintings uncannily capture the highs and lows, loves and fears that all parents feel. Her koalas, giraffes, bald eagles, rabbits, and owls are rendered in delicate and biologically accurate detail using a tiny sable brush with a single hair at its tip. Cleverly complementing the paintings are sayings such as Your children are growing up when they stop asking where they came from . . . and refuse to tell you where they’re going and A perfect example of minority rule is a baby in the house. Parents will find their inmost thoughts perfectly expressed within the pages of FURRY LOGIC PARENTHOOD.From reader reviews:
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